Public Lighting Authority of Detroit Executive Director Odis Jones Tuesday issued the following statement:
The Public Lighting Authority of Detroit has been installing new street lights in two demonstration areas of the city since the beginning of November. As we have installed the new lights we have continued to evaluate lessons learned within the demonstration area.
One option we have explored is to discontinue the use of traditional High Pressure Sodium lights in favor of more modern LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lights. After considerable research, and in consultation with Mayor Mike Duggan, I have decided that LED lights will provide brighter and more cost efficient lighting for the city. As a result, I will present a plan to the newly appointed PLA board to install all LED street lights in the remainder of the demonstration areas as well as in the rest of the city. This plan will be presented to the board at its first meeting Wednesday, January 29th.
In addition, I will recommend doubling the pace of the installation of new lights within neighborhoods so that it will be completed in 18 months, rather than the current schedule of three years.
In the meantime, in the period between now and the board meeting, the crews that have been installing lights will be carrying out general repair work that is required.
LED Lights Set To Upgrade Detroit’s Neighborhoods